
Coffee like no other 28.04.2023

The unique illy blend This is balance that comes only from a blend: the singular illy blend of nine highest-order Arabica beans, selected and directly purchased by illy from farms spanning four continents.  Each individual bean contributing to a greater whole, for the pleasure of those who appreciate all that coffee can and should be….

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Kohv, mis erineb kõigist teistest 28.04.2023

Unikaalne illy segu See on tasakaal, mis on omane vaid ühele segule: illy kohvisegule, mis koosneb üheksast parima kvaliteediga Arabica kohvisordist, mille oad on hoolikalt valitud, ja mille illy on otse nelja erineva kontinendi kohvikasvataja käest ostnud. Iga uba panustab suuremasse tervikusse, et pakkuda neile, kes kohvi naudivad kõike mis kohvis on ja olema peaks….

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How to Prepare Cappuccino at Home 28.04.2023

Myth: cappuccino’s silky magic is beyond the grasp of home baristas. It’s just too delicate of a dance, best left to the cafe. Truth: great cappuccino is a delight available to discerning coffee lovers, right in their own kitchens. It takes some practice with water, steam and foam, along with the right equipment on your…

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Da Vinci’s loyal customer, world-class fencer Kristina Kuusk: “I absolutely adore eating!” 28.04.2023

Da Vinci believes that good food brings good shape. That is why we are happy to support Estonian sportsmen on their way to the top. If in the previous article we introduced you a Da Vinci’s good friend and top-level golfer Mark Suursalu, then in today’s article we bring you ideas about food and modern…

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Da Vinci meets golf: interview with Mark Suursalu 28.04.2023

Photo by: Mats Soomre Today we introduce you one of our loyal customers – professional golf player Mark Suursalu. Although Mark is mostly known as a professional golf player, he also values tasty and healthy food. We asked Mark about the connections between golf and food, his food preferences and also what brings him to…

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Kuidas kodus cappuccinot valmistada? 28.04.2023

Müüt: imeliselt siidja cappuccino valmistamine on ülesanne, mis käib kodubaristadele kindlasti üle jõu. Kuna see ettevõtmine on lihtsalt liialt keeruline, peaks see seetõttu kohvikute pärusmaale jääma. Tõde: hea cappuccino on kõigile kohvisõpradele vaid käeulatuse kaugusel – nende oma köögis. Vee, auru ja vahu paikatimmimine võtab loomulikult natuke aega ja kindlasti ei tohiks sinu köögist puududa…

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Classic Italian tomato sauce 28.04.2023

There’s no good pasta without a good pasta sauce. Although there are dozens of different pasta sauces available in the stores, making a homemade pasta sauce is a lot simpler it may first seem. What is more, making a fresh pasta sauce gives you a chance to give it a special touch by adding your…

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Miks on Da Vinci restorani pitsa unikaalne? 28.04.2023

Hea pitsasõber, oleme veendunud, et just meie juurest leiad parimad Itaalia traditsioonide järgi valmistatud pitsad. Iga pitsasõber teab, et üks väärt pitsa-elamus algab heast ja õigesti valmistatud pitsataignast. Meie restorani pitsataigna retsept on paika timmitud koostöös maailmakuulsa pitsameistri Alessandro Negriniga. Meie pitsade kuldpruuni ja krõbeda taigna saladus peitub kvaliteetses Antica jahus, mille juured ulatuvad tagasi…

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Da Vinci püsikunde, tippvehkleja Kristina Kuusk: „Mulle väga meeldib süüa!“ 28.04.2023

Da Vinci usub, et hea toit toob hea vormi. Seepärast toetame me hea meelega Eesti sportlasi nende teel tippu. Kui eelmises artiklis tutvustasime teile Da Vinci head sõpra, tippgolfar Mark Suursalu, siis käesolevas artikli tarvis vestlesime toidu ja moodsa mõõgavõitluse teemadel Eesti tippvehkleja Kristina Kuusega. „Mulle väga meeldib süüa!“ lausub Kristina suure naeratuse saatel, kui…

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Da Vinci kohtub golfiga: intervjuu Mark Suursaluga 28.04.2023

Pildi autor: Mats Soomre Täna tutvustame teile ühte Da Vinci restoranide püsikundet, kelleks on golfiproff Mark Suursalu. Kuigi Mark on eelkõige tuntud professionaalse golfimängijana, peab ta lugu ka heast ja tervislikust toidust. Uurisime Markilt, kuidas on omavahel seotud toit ja golfimäng, millised on Marki toidueelistused ning mis toob teda kodumaal olles iga päev Da Vinci…

Loe rohkem
Klassikaline Itaalia tomatikaste 28.04.2023

Pole head pastat ilma hea pastakastmeta. Kuigi poeriiulid on lookas erinevatest valmiskastmetest, on koduse pastakastme valmistamine lihtsam, kui esialgu tundub. Ühtlasi on värskelt valmistatud kastme abil võimalik kogu roale anda oma signatuur, täiendades kastmepõhja just enda lemmikmaitsetega. Seekord tutvustame teile Itaalia-Ameerika päritolu ning mitmete kuulsate kokaraamatute autori Marcella Hazan’i nippi mõnusa koduse tomatikaste valmistamiseks. Hazan’i…

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10 fascinating facts about the king of Italian flavours – balsamic vinegar 28.04.2023

Did you know that the word “balsamico” is connected with its healing qualities? Or that the prices of aged balsamic vinegars can go as high as 1000 euros per litre. Today we bring you the most important facts we have gathered about this wonderful Italian taste wizard every Mediterranean cuisine admirer should know. The balsamic…

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Lemony prawn and asparagus risotto for 4 28.04.2023

With the approaching spring, we also need to awake our taste buds. Therefore, we have chosen to bring you a tasty risotto recipe. The recipe is taken from Riso Gallo’s cookbook „i Risotti: The best Risotti in the World“, which includes risotto recipes from the best restaurants in the world. This springy risotto recipe is…

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Espresso 28.04.2023

In Italian the word espresso means “squeezed”, referring to how espresso is made in an espresso machine where the pressurised water is quickly pressed through the thin layer of coffee flour. Although espresso is a basis for a number of popular coffee drinks, a real coffee connoisseur dreams of enjoying a plane espresso. Here we…

Loe rohkem
Bruschetta – simple Italian bread magic 28.04.2023

Toasted slice of ciabatta, garlic, and a droplet of extra virgin olive oil – the admirers of simplicity say it’s enough for a good bruschetta. for hundreds of years bruschettas have been loved for their simplicity and tastefulness. The history of bruschettas reaches to times when the Etruscans living in the area of Rome and…

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